

We are a proudly mexican company with more than 17 years of experience in the field of rubber tire recycling, we produce various meshes of rubber recycled for different uses, such as installation of sports surfaces, waterproofing, construction, road safety, etc, Our biggest commitment is to provide primary inputs and innovative products of excellent quality.


Number of tires recycled from 2000 to date

We continue working for a clean environment!  


We are a proudly mexican company with more than 17 years of experience in the field of rubber tire recycling, we produce various meshes of rubber recycled for different uses, such as installation of sports surfaces, waterproofing, construction, road safety, etc, Our biggest commitment is to provide primary inputs and innovative products of excellent quality.


Number of tires recycled from 2000 to date

We continue working for a clean environment!  

In August 14, 2018 REVAN becomes with pride in a company that is certified in Quality Management System ISO 9001 2015, reaffirming our commitment to quality in all that we do.

Quality Policy

At avant-Garde Recycling, we are committed to the care and protection of the environment, transforming the rubber tire through recycling, offering raw material and high quality innovative products that meet the needs and expectations of our customers.


    • By ENSURING: The compliance of the legal requirements, environmental, quality and other applicable. 
    • To IMPROVE: Continuously our QMS, implementing actions that allow us to continuous improvement.
    • By ENSURING: The growth and sustained development of our organization, as well as to safeguard the health and safety of our employees.
    • FOSTERING: The mutual growth and strong relationships with customers and suppliers, as well as the protection of the environment and social well-being.

our values


Re-value waste rubber tires through recycling, reincorporating it in the market as primary inputs and innovative products excellent quality, which positions us as the best option for our customers.


To be leaders in the market of recycling rubber rim at the national level and have a growing presence in the international market.


Daily effort that dignifies, provides expertise, support and satisfaction for staff.


We feel a great commitment to provide our customers in time and form a high-quality material, exceed expectations and preserve the environment.


We believe in team work as a source of motivation and synergy, we strive and engaging for the successful completion of our work and goals.


Daily effort that dignifies, provides expertise, support and satisfaction for staff.


We feel a great commitment to provide our customers in time and form a high-quality material, exceed expectations and preserve the environment.


We believe in team work as a source of motivation and synergy, we strive and engaging for the successful completion of our work and goals.


We are aware of our duty to the planet and we are proud of our contribution to the environment, always remain faithful to this.


Mood to give the best of us day-to-day, and take the initiative.


Communion with the company and its ideals in the long term, creating members satisfied and grateful.

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